Malte accepte désormais les cartes de vaccination américaines

À propos de Malte

Les îles ensoleillées de Malte, in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, are home to a most remarkable concentration of intact built heritage, including the highest density of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in any nation-state anywhere.  Valletta built by the proud Knights of St. John is one of the UNESCO sights and the European Capital of Culture for 2018. Malta’s patrimony in stone ranges from the oldest free-standing stone architecture in the world, to one of the British Empire’s most formidable defensive systems, and includes a rich mix of domestic, religious and military architecture from the ancient, medieval and early modern periods. With superbly sunny weather, attractive beaches, a thriving nightlife, and 7,000 years of intriguing history, there is a great deal to see and do. For more information on Malta, visit



A propos de l'auteure

Linda Hohnholz, rédactrice eTN

Linda Hohnholz écrit et édite des articles depuis le début de sa carrière professionnelle. Elle a appliqué cette passion innée à des endroits tels que l'Université du Pacifique d'Hawaï, l'Université Chaminade, le Centre de découverte des enfants d'Hawaï et maintenant TravelNewsGroup.

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