Le Vietnam transforme l'industrie des concours de beauté avec Miss Global 2023

Le Vietnam a apporté des changements majeurs au classement mondial de la beauté grâce à des réalisations remarquables lors de récents concours internationaux.

Le Vietnam a apporté des changements majeurs au classement mondial de la beauté grâce à des réalisations remarquables lors de récents concours internationaux.

Saisissant cette opportunité, le Vietnam a annoncé qu'il accueillerait Miss Global, l'un des concours de beauté les plus prestigieux au monde en 2023 pour les femmes et les mères célibataires âgées de 18 à 35 ans.

Cette année, le concours s'est engagé à être accompagné et soutenu par des organisations internationales des Nations Unies, dont l'UNESCO et les droits de l'homme.

2023 will be the year of the 10th anniversary of Miss Global, attracting 100 contestants from different nations. Each contestant has her own strengths and has thorough preparation for Miss Global 2023.    

Solid support system

Mr. Keita S. Cheick – Ambassador of Human Rights Organization from the United Nations – believes that Miss Global 2023 in Vietnam can convey deep meanings when dedicating to women empowerment, wellness and Vietnam as a whole. The country itself is unique and culturally significant with long history and strategic geographical location, breathtaking landscapes, along with rapid economic growth despite the unprecedented challenges of Covid-19 pandemic. This partnership will be an exciting journey for the United Nations with Miss Global and Vietnam, as this contest can spread the message of culture and happiness of women and young people to the world.

Desire to be different

To start the series of outstanding, modern and impressive events, especially the finale, capturing tens of thousands of spectators’ attention, Miss Global organizer began with a top-notch visual launching, using unique mapping technologies to reminisce a cultural, fashion and artistic atmosphere that no other event or pageant has ever done. In order to show Miss Global to the fullest, the performance of models and artworks were also highlighted in the press conference.

Women beyond beauty

Mr. Henri Hubert, creative director of Le Nom Vietnam, the organizer of Miss Global 2023 shared: “Miss Global will be Vietnam’s annual international event starting from 2023. This will go above and beyond a usual beauty contest, and will emphasize how beauty can contribute to the development of society and to the whole world. It will also be referred to as an enchanted event with unique ideas and interesting concepts through splendid visuals and performances. This is the golden opportunity to showcase Vietnam’s values, beauty and culture, to bring Vietnam closer to the world and vice versa.”

In Miss Global 2023, the journey of the contestants will be published as a documentary series and will be premiered widely around the world. This is also the first and only beauty pageant to be broadcast live by AXN Asia – an Asia’s leading English-language general entertainment channel.


A propos de l'auteure

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson a été le rédacteur en chef de eTurboNews depuis plus de 20 ans. Il vit à Honolulu, Hawaï, et est originaire d'Europe. Il aime écrire et couvrir l'actualité.

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