Redéfinir l'avenir de l'aviation

L'été est peut-être terminé, mais l'industrie est encore loin des solutions nécessaires pour faire avancer correctement le secteur, tant dans l'intérêt des travailleurs que des entreprises.

Aviation workers from across Europe will speak up at the ETF Conference “Redefining the future of aviation,” taking place in Brussels (Belgium) on September 14, 2022.

Thus, on the 14th of September 2002, the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) will gather in Brussels (at The International Auditorium) with over 150 aviation workers from across Europe and top-level trade union leaders, specialists and economists from the industry. 

With the ‘Redefining the future of aviation’ Conference, we aim to find out directly both from people working within the industry and specialists what is the best way for the sector to move forward after being harshly hit by the 2022 summer crisis and while still trying to recover after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ahead of the ETF Aviation Conference, ETF General Secretary Livia Spera stated:

‘This summer has clearly taught us that aviation workers don’t want to work for an industry that cannot be bothered to provide decent jobs. The industry needs to change the way it works fundamentally. The time has come for the aviation workers’ voices to be heard. Policymakers must understand that unless the industry puts workers at its centre, aviation will never recover. Only together we can redefine the future of aviation and transform the industry in a way that benefits both the people working within the industry, citizens, and the business.’


A propos de l'auteure

Linda Hohnholz

Rédacteur en chef pour eTurboNews basé au siège d'eTN.

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