WTTC Le Sommet mondial se termine avec les dirigeants du voyage et du tourisme qui s'unissent pour relancer les voyages internationaux en toute sécurité

Gloria Guevara, WTTC Le président et chef de la direction a déclaré : «WTTC a réuni des dirigeants exceptionnels des secteurs privé et public des voyages et du tourisme lors de notre sommet mondial, unis dans leur désir de relancer en toute sécurité les voyages internationaux.

“Our very presence here, shows that we can resume international travelling once more, by observing the latest health and safety protocols, which WTTC a contribué au développement des petites et grandes entreprises du secteur.

“Together we have shown that with a united front, both the private and public sectors in Travel & Tourism can drive change and get the world moving again so that we can start travelling, exploring and sharing our experiences face-to-face.

“We concluded our Global Summit here in Cancun, confident that together we can revive a sector which will generate the world’s economic recovery and bring people back together thanks to the amazing benefits international Travel & Tourism can bring.

“I would like to thank Chris Nassetta for his dedication and commitment over the past three years. He has been instrumental in making WTTC ce que c'est aujourd'hui.

“Now we embark on a new chapter with Arnold Donald as WTTC’s next Chair and look forward to our next Global Summit which will take place in Manila in the Philippines later this year.”

Under the theme of ‘Uniting the World for Recovery’, Tourism Ministers from around the world and senior Travel & Tourism business leaders agreed that the need for greater public and private collaboration.

At WTTC’s Global Leaders Dialogue session they debated how the sector could tackle the pressing issues of protecting jobs, saving businesses, and supporting the global economy through the safe revival of international travel.


A propos de l'auteure

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson a été le rédacteur en chef de eTurboNews depuis plus de 20 ans. Il vit à Honolulu, Hawaï, et est originaire d'Europe. Il aime écrire et couvrir l'actualité.

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